Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meant to be white

I am slowly learning that I am meant to be white.  Not a nice golden brown color but white.  I have been tanning/beaching it up for awhile now.  Photo below - 1990, Best Western, PCB.

 (I was skinny at one point in my life.)

For the second year in a row, I've had a mole removed and both times the results have shown atypical cells.  I got the phone call today telling me they would like to do another 20 minute procedure to basically dig more skin up and get rid of the atypical cells.  Sigh.  I love the sun.  It's very therapeutic for me to lay out in the sun, cut grass in the sun, whatever IN THE SUN!!  I did try to wear more sunscreen this year but obviously I am doomed.  I even invested in several spray tans this year (one of which did not work so well. Orange much?).  I'm not sure how much it will be this year for the "minor procedure" but last years came in at roughly $425.  UGH.  I cannot afford this kind of tan every year. 

Dear Beach & Sun,  

I am still hoping to see you next year.  I will be the white one under the umbrella.  You probably will not see the girl below any more.  It has been fun.

Much love, 

PS Can you send me some money to cover the dent you put in my wallet?

Please check out my wonderful friend Cristin's blog about getting your skin checked.  I know you all are dying to fork out a couple hun on some moles like me. :)


  1. Stay out of the sun, one-day mother of my future grandchildren!

  2. Ok, the Best Western PCB shot is killing me. KILLING ME! I had several of those little top and bottom tied together suits. LOVE!

    And I am sorry that they are digging more of your skin out...that does not sound pleasant.

  3. picture is awesome. feeling your pain, fo' sho'. i had to get four more removed two weeks ago and they called again yesterday to remove more. ugh. i will beach it under an umbrella with you!
